Surprising Benefits Of High Dose Vitamin C

Apr 17, 2024

It seems everywhere you turn, someone you know has cancer or is somehow affected by this dreadful disease. Statistics show that there were just shy of two million new U.S. cancer cases in 2023.[1] While those numbers may seem alarmingly high, take comfort in knowing you are at a place in time where treatment doesn’t have to feel as unpleasant. You shouldn’t have to go through Chemotherapy alone, left feeling broken-down. There are choices you can make to help nurture your body during this tough time. If you’re starting to feel as if you might benefit from this therapy, then you’re in the right place. 

One of the options available to you is High Dose Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). We all know Vitamin C as an essential antioxidant in our diets, but the benefits may be much more profound than we realize.  Less than optimal Vitamin C levels in our body can make us susceptible to a various number of ailments, such as Sepsis, Pneumonia and Covid-19, to name a few.[2] It has been found that autoimmune and cancer patients often have suboptimal levels of Vitamin C, causing higher inflammatory levels in the body, putting the body at risk for further illness. It’s already difficult enough going through Chemotherapy, but a deadly disease like Pneumonia can cause severe illness and sometimes death. 

More people than ever choose to keep living their lives as normal as possible during Chemotherapy treatment. From raising small children to working full-time, it’s not always an option to quit. Sometimes financial situations warrant someone to keep working. After all, cancer treatment is expensive. Many people think that since they have cancer, they are not healthy and shouldn’t worry about filling their body with nutrients. After all, the Chemotherapy makes your body even more toxic. Well that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yes Chemo has toxic effects on the body, after all, that’s precisely how it kills cancer. But there are definitely still steps you can take to help your body thrive as much as possible during this time.

The growing evidence in pre-clinical studies shows the benefits of High Dose IV vitamin C in cancer patients is more impactful than we think.  When used in conjunction outside of chemotherapy, Vitamin C has been shown to help the body recover better and improve symptoms of fatigue and overall quality of life, while aiding in tumor suppression at the right doses. Not only can it benefit cancer, but Lyme’s disease, chronic Epstein-Barr Virus, autoimmune states, and even improve heart failure. Vitamin C reduces oxidative stress which is the precursor to most disease states. Both internal and external stress cause damage in our bodies in so many ways. 

How To Get Help With The Side Effects Of Chemotherapy

Studies have also shown that this vitamin has way higher effectiveness given IV versus orally. It is able to bypass absorption mechanisms in the body and safely allow the body to reap the benefits in a higher concentration.[3] This in turn, produces the desirable effects we’ve come to appreciate. Some of these miraculous benefits of High Dose Vitamin C are…

  • Maximizes the formation of collagen

  • Helps the immune system when fighting or recovering from illness

  • Speeds up wound healing

  • Aids the maintenance of connective tissues like cartilage, bones and teeth

  • Eliminates antioxidants from the body

  • Helps to reduce blood pressure

  • Helps prevent iron deficiencies

  • Reduces heart disease risk

  • Treats the common cold

  • Controls asthma

While most people can safely handle Vitamin C infusions, there are some contraindications. These include, but are not limited to kidney disease, kidney stones and kidney failure, G6PD deficiency, or people with hemochromatosis(a condition that affects iron absorption.)[2] Your provider will help decide if this treatment is right for you. And since you’re here, you may choose a holistic provider instead of a doctor in a traditional clinic setting. And that’s okay. Holistic or functional medicine providers look into the root cause of many diseases and can help patients live as healthy of a life as they can. The individualized care you will receive in this setting is phenomenal.

You’ve heard the saying “I wouldn’t wish Cancer on my worst enemy.” And you wouldn’t. But isn’t it comforting to know that if Cancer rears its ugly head in your direction, there are options available to still live a quality life? I like to put a positive spin on everything. After all, life can be more enjoyable when we change our thinking. Your brain is a powerful thing, and so is your immune system. Give yourself the gift of High Dose Vitamin C today and enjoy the benefits. Book a quick visit with Amy to discuss if this is right for you. Amy is an experienced provider, a highly-qualified Nurse Practitioner and someone you can definitely trust with your health. 


[1] Cancer Statistics, 2023

[2] Unwinding the potentials of Vitamin C in COVID-19 and other diseases: An updated review

[3] Intravenous High-Dose Vitamin C in Cancer Therapy